Regular dental cleanings reduce the risk of developing oral health concerns such as cavities, gum disease and oral infections. However, the majority of oral health care should take place at home between check-up visits.
How to maintain good oral health through at-home care
Every individual should assess their daily routine and oral care routine to ensure they are doing all they can to reduce the risk of oral health and cosmetic issues developing. The following are five tips from Johnson Family Dental, your Paducah dentist, to help patients practice good oral hygiene each day in order to keep their smiles looking great and healthy.
Brush, floss and use mouthwash as directed
Good oral health starts with an oral hygiene schedule. This should include proper brushing several times each day. When brushing, be sure to brush all areas of the mouth, including the gums, tongue, cheeks and back of teeth in the back of the mouth. It is important to floss consistently as well. Floss thoroughly, but be sure not to damage the gums in the process. Use mouthwash, which is typically once each night before bed.
Reduce the consumption of foods that harm teeth and gums
Foods and drinks that are high in sugar and certain other carbohydrates, along with citrus fruits and tomato-based dishes, can harm teeth and increase the overall risk of dental cavities, oral infections and gum disease. Therefore, limiting the overall sugar intake is encouraged by many dentists. Instead, consider drinking water throughout the day to wash away food and bacteria.
Protect teeth from damage with a dental guard when necessary
Anyone who plays a contact sport should wear a mouthguard to prevent teeth and gum damage that results from a blow to the face. Also, those who have signs of or are diagnosed with bruxism (teeth grinding at night) should wear a dental guard while they sleep. Many dentists can customize a dental guard depending on the specific purpose.
Check for signs of complications regularly
We also encourage checking for signs of oral health or cosmetic concerns each day. This includes checking for weakened or eroded enamel, signs of gum disease (red, swollen or bleeding gums) and signs of teeth damage (chips, cracks, etc.).
Visit the general dentist often for a check-up and cleaning
Lastly, be sure to schedule a check-up visit every four to six months with Johnson Family Dental, your Paducah dentist for a professional cleaning and to detect oral health concerns that you may not be able to see or feel.
If you are looking for a Paducah area dentist, we hope you will contact us at Johnson Family Dental. We are conveniently located at 2913 Lone Oak Road in Paducah. You can reach us by calling (270) 554-2432 or CLICK HERE to contact us today.